About Us
Many scientists believe that cats were domesticated in the Fertile Crescent, at about the same time that agriculture was developed in that area. (What does this have to do with “About Us?” Hang on a minute, we’ll get there.) Other scientists, and 100% of cats, believe that cats domesticated themselves, thank you very much, deigning to hang around where rodent prey was plentiful and human laps were warm.
DNA analysis indicates that modern domestic cats are descended from those first Mesopotamian felines. Moreover, they spread around the world in roughly the same pattern and time frame as Mesopotamian farming techniques.
Some researchers believe that this parallel development happened because cats were included in a kind of agriculture starter kit handed from woman to woman. Let’s say that a traveler, passing through the Fertile Crescent with her hunter-gatherer tribe, says to a local farmer, “I’m kind of over the foraging thing. I’d like to try growing food. How do I get started?”
The farmer would say, “I’ve got you covered. Here’s a bag of seeds and a few tools. Here are some things we’ve learned about weeding. Oh, and take a couple of cats, too. You’ll need them to keep the vermin down. The cats are also cuddly, at least when they don’t actively hate you.”
Voilà—person by person, mile by mile, knowledge and cats spread, civilization and the world economy were forever changed, and people started growing and eating kale, for some reason.
That’s what we’re trying to do — figure out a better, more practical, more effective way for authors to grow, not food (and God forbid, not kale), but book sales. We want to share what we know. Collaborate with others to maximize the ideas we can try and test. Build a book-marketing tool kit, pass it on, and continue to improve it.
As of this writing, the “us” in “About Us” is just two people. We hope soon that it’s a larger team. Here’s how to get in on the project. https://mlapointeauthor.com/?page_id=10799
Before you click or contribute (ideas, insights, and experiences, not money; we’re not asking for any money or taking any donations, and anyone who tells you otherwise is a lying liar), be aware that this is purely an all-volunteer mutual-benefit effort by the writing community for the writing community. Nobody is getting paid. The only financial benefit is that we hope that more of us sell more of our books to readers, and not just to each other.
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